Mood changes - Vitality Clinic

Mood Changes

Mood changes refer to shifts or fluctuations in a person's emotional state over time. These can encompass changes between positive moods like happiness or contentment to negative moods like sadness or anger. Mood changes can also denote transitions from typical mood to elevated moods like mania or depressed moods.

Some key things to know about mood changes:

In summary, some fluctuation in mood is normal. But significant or atypical mood swings may signify an underlying health condition, especially when changes swing high or low. Supporting lifestyle health and seeking both medical and mental health evaluations can determine if mood instability stems from a manageable issue like life stressors or indicates a treatable diagnosable disorder. Charting mood changes helps identify patterns for discussion with one's doctor and therapist. There are many effective strategies to ease difficult mood changes. Hope and answers exist!

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